100 m3 Pilot Anaerobic Digestion Plant

Project Details

100 m3 Pilot Anaerobic Digestion Plant for the Treatment of Secondary Clarifier Waste Sludge: Minimizing Decanter Processing and Transforming Sludge into Fertilizer


National Water Company,


Riyadh, KSA


In this project, we focus on the establishment of a pilot-scale anaerobic digestion plant with a capacity of 100 cubic meters (m3) specifically designed for the treatment of secondary clarifier waste sludge. The primary objective is to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of anaerobic digestion as a method to process secondary clarifier waste sludge, ultimately minimizing the need for additional processing steps such as decanter processing.

The anaerobic digestion process will be optimized to efficiently break down the organic matter present in the secondary clarifier waste sludge, leading to the production of biogas and the reduction of sludge volume. By harnessing anaerobic digestion, we aim to significantly reduce the volume of sludge that requires further processing through decanter equipment, thereby streamlining the overall treatment process and minimizing operational costs.

Furthermore, the biogas generated during anaerobic digestion will be captured and utilized as a renewable energy source, contributing to the sustainability of the treatment plant operations. Additionally, the digested sludge will be processed into a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer, which can be utilized in agricultural applications to enhance soil fertility and crop productivity.

The development of this pilot anaerobic digestion plant involves comprehensive planning, engineering design, and operational testing to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Throughout the project, key parameters such as feedstock characteristics, digester operation conditions, biogas production rates, and fertilizer quality will be closely monitored and evaluated to assess the feasibility and scalability of the anaerobic digestion process for secondary clarifier waste sludge treatment.

Overall, this pilot-scale initiative represents a crucial step towards exploring innovative and sustainable solutions for wastewater sludge management, with the potential to reduce environmental impact, optimize resource utilization, and improve overall treatment plant efficiency.