Establishment of a 100 TPD Anaerobic Co-Digestion Facility

Project Details

Establishment of a 100 TPD Anaerobic Co-Digestion Facility Utilizing Effluent Treatment Plant Sludge and Poultry Litter for Power Generation and Organic Fertilizer Production


Al-Wataniya Poultry farm


Qassim, KSA


This topic delves into the comprehensive process of establishing a 100 metric tons per day (TPD) anaerobic co-digestion facility. The facility utilizes a combination of effluent treatment plant (ETP) sludge and poultry litter as feedstock to fuel the anaerobic digestion process. Through this process, biogas is produced, which can be utilized for power generation, thus contributing to renewable energy production. Additionally, the digestion process generates organic fertilizer as a valuable byproduct, promoting sustainable agriculture practices. One of the key objectives of this facility is to contribute to CO2 emission reduction by diverting organic waste from conventional disposal methods like landfilling, which emit greenhouse gases. Anaerobic digestion not only mitigates the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas produced during organic waste decomposition in landfills but also provides a renewable energy source in the form of biogas. By harnessing biogas for power generation, the facility aids in displacing fossil fuel-based energy sources, further reducing CO2 emissions. The establishment of such a facility involves meticulous planning, engineering, and implementation phases to ensure the efficient and sustainable operation of the anaerobic digestion process. Factors such as feedstock handling, digester design, gas utilization systems, and fertilizer production methods are carefully considered to optimize energy output, fertilizer quality, and environmental benefits. Overall, the development of a 100 TPD anaerobic co-digestion facility represents a significant step towards achieving sustainability goals by simultaneously addressing waste management, renewable energy production, and CO2 emission reduction objectives.